to the
a fine fox chase, my boys!"
George Washington, Battle of Princeton,
20 out of 20 ... PERFECT SCORE Nobody! TOP HOUND: 19 out of 20 N1IX 18 out of 20 K0DTJ 17 out of 20 K5IX KZ5J N7RN 16 out of 20 KR0U N9NE W1ZT WB5BKL WC7S 15 out of 20 K5OI KA5QQA KF7Z WX2S 14 out of 20 AC7A K6PJV K7GO 13 out of 20 AC4CA K0LOA K9CW KD5KC N0SM NU4I 12 out of 20 K6VNX KV6Z N5KIP WV0H 11 out of 20 AB9CA AD6IU K4BAI K4PIC K9IUA NK6A NQ6E NX1K W2SH 10 out of 20 K3PH K4EOR N0UR N8SS W6JHB W9OD 9 out of 20 K6XR NC4RT NO2D WA8BXN WO9B 8 out of 20 AD0DA K4FB K4VD K7LVJ KG5UK N9AW NK9G WB9HFK 7 out of 20 AJ4AY K6CSL KB5FCF KC1FB N1VWD VE3NFK W6UR WA0ITP WA4ZOF 6 out of 20 AB3CV KK4BNC N5BGZ W0IIT W9QS WA4ILO 5 out of 20 AD0LI K2ZN K8LBQ KI0II W1CPR W6TN 4 out of 20 AB0CD AJ1DM K1SX K7TQ KF7WNS KQ2RP N1WPU N4KV W9LR 3 out of 20 K4ODL K4ZMV KA3EAJ KI4STU N0AR N0FN N1FN N5BUD NN4K 2 out of 20 AA1SB AA2VG AB1AV AB8SA AC4PA K0ZK K9GL KG0PP N4EWT N4MJ N4WD N5YFC N9SE W0LGU W1FMR W4NJK W6COW 1 out of 20 AD6JV AE0EE AF5DM AI6O AK1P K1TW K1WHS K1ZZ K2SJB K4FP K5VWW KA6AIL KE6RS KI0RB KI4MZC KL2AX N4NQ N5EIL N5IR N6GA N6MGN N9ZXL NA5G NN5E NU8S VE6EX W0EA W0EP W1AO W4JOV WA2FBN WB7UBC WB8WTU Hounds Participating: 144 QSOs completed: 923 |
The QRP Fox Hunt Committee wishes to thank the Colorado QRP Club for their generous sponsorship of these hunts! We especially want to thank the many hams who have helped with administration of the hunts from time to time, and N1FN (ET), at MorseExpress, for all of the web assistance he has provided to CQC and the QRP Fox Hunts since their first appearances on the Internet!
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